Cryptid Creator Corner from Comic Book Yeti - A Comic Book Interview Podcast
The Comic Book Yeti team interviews comic creators of all kinds on this one-of-a-kind podcast. Hosted by Byron O'Neal and Jimmy Gaspero.
2022 & 2023 Grantie Award Winner.
Latest Episodes
Ron Marz Interview
Today's guest on the Cryptid Creator Corner needs no introduction, but here goes anyway. Among others, he's written for Marvel (Silver Surfer), DC (Green Lantern), Dynamite, Valiant, Image, Dark Horse, and CrossGen. He's written Batman/Aliens, DC versus Marvel, Green Lantern versus Aliens, and the A...
Tom Sniegoski Interview - The Herculoids
When Dynamite solicited the return of The Herculoids into the comics medium, I was immediately concerned. Oh no, who's writing it? It is such a beloved childhood property of mine. Who could do it justice? Then my fears were allayed when saw Tom Sniegoski was at the reins. Given his background workin...
Joe Caramagna Interview - Space Chasers
It feels like this interview has been a long time coming. Anyone that has been following the Comic Book Yeti crew the past few years knows that Jimmy always tries to shine a light on letterers, so finally letterer and writer Joe Caramagna joins Jimmy to talk a little about his career in comics. Joe ...
Joey Esposito and Sean Von Gorman Interview - The Pedestrian
The Pedestrian is one of those gems of a comic book you find, increasingly rare for someone who works covering the industry, so I was excited to finally catch up with co-creators Joey Esposito and Sean Von Gorman. It was my favorite new series of 2024 and Jimmy was kind enough to get me a signed cop...
Olivia Cuartero Briggs Interview - Kill Train
It didn't take too long into 2025 before Jimmy had to have a Mad Cave creator on the podcast. Olivia Cuartero-Briggs is an award-winning dramatic writer, girl mom and fitness junky, currently enjoying a career writing for film, TV, comics, and novels in sunny Los Angeles. Olivia joins Jimmy to talk ...
Oliver Bly Interview - The Mushroom Knight Vol 2
On today's show I have returning guest and recent Russ Manning Award Winner Oliver Bly sitting down to talk about the second volume of his original graphic novel series The Mushroom Knight from Mad Cave Studios. We a shared love of mycology so I have always adored this project and we go deep into ex...

Coming up on the show
MARVEL MARCH featuring Tony Fleece, Spencer Ackerman
David Pepose and Ryan North,
Joe Casey - Weapon X-Men, Terry Dodson and Matt Fraction - Adventureman and many more.

Our Patreon is now live!
That's right, responding to requests, (yes, we did have them,) we have a new Patreon for the podcast. We have two simple tiers, $1 and $3, with exclusive content that you won't see anywhere else. Byron has already started his Sunday Stories segment, which you don't want to miss, talking about some of the strange things he's gotten into over the years. The first installment was about transporting a drug lord's sharks. Jimmy's already publicly taken his shirt off to promote it and I didn't know it was going to be THAT kind of Patreon but who knows what we'll get up to over there. We appreciate your continued support of what we do.
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We love reviews. It not only let's us know how we are doing, but also how we can improve.
Pure Passion for Comics
This is an exceptional comics podcast. Jimmy and Byron bring so much passion and enthusiasm to every conversation. The variety of guests is very much appreciated as well, focusing on the brilliant work of indie comics creators fighting the good fight to make more comics. Mad respect to all involved.
If you are even THINKING about creating a comic, this is the podcast to listen to. Jimmy and Byron are excellent interviewers and ask such perfect questions. They do their research and the guests are so interesting. I LOVE this podcast!
Quality Podcast from a couple of quality interviewers
Whether you’re into comics or not (what?! You’re not into comics?!), Cryptic Creator Corner is an entertaining listen - the conversation often strays into things like process, pop culture, and personal opinion, all for the better. Jimmy and Byron take turns hosting, and their questions are always thoughtful and can lea...
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