I don't normally cover a project twice but this one is pretty special as it extends beyond the medium of comics. Don't worry, it was a comic first. We're revisiting the Mad Cave Studios project The Last Wardens with writers Amit Tishler and Elliot Sperl. They have been busy expanding the scope of their IP and developing a TTRPG as well as an audio drama based upon the world created in the comic. Pretty amazing right? We touch on the principle theme of failure which drives the characters in the story, especially the main protagonist Dani, and how an open mind towards collaboration has opened doors to new possibilities for their world. Amit discusses his philosophy with embracing failure as a learning tooland how it can be applied to all creative endeavors. And, we carve out some time to discuss one of my favorite topics, the built in challenges navigating the direct market environment and how implementing innovative strategies can help to build a multimedia franchise that sustains an IP.
Make sure to sign up for Amit's newsletter MINDSPLATTER, and definitely check out his blog. Here's the link for the pufferfish analogy we discuss in the show.
Download the digital basic set of the game here. This 42-page digital basic set includes a fully playable game, character creation essentials, and (of course) over 40 gore-drenched Grievous Wounds.

The Last Wardens trade paperback will be released on March 12th

With an alcoholic father and a hole in her wallet, Danielle Pryer’s life in the rustic town of Bleakwood goes from bad to worse when her long-lost brother, Bruce, returns from the Vietnam War. While Bruce is being plagued by a mysterious and monstrous mutation, he is also being hunted by an incompetent team of paranormal misfits, which leads to Bleakwood quickly becoming ground zero of a supernatural battle that forces Danielle to choose between everything she holds dear and the fate of the world as a whole.
We have a new Patreon, CryptidCreatorCornerpod. If you like what we do, please consider supporting us. We got two simple tiers, $1 and $3. I’ll be uploading a story every Sunday about some of the crazy things I’ve gotten into over the years. The first one dropped last week about me relocating a drug lord’s sharks. Yes, it did happen, and the alligators didn’t even get in the way. Want to know more, you know what to do.
Play TTRPG games? Make sure to check out our partner Arkenforge. They have everything you need to make your TTRPG more fun and immersive, allowing you to build, play, and export animated maps including in person fog of war capability that let’s your players interact with maps as the adventure unfolds while you, the DM get the full picture. Use the discount code YETI5 to get $5 off your order.
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