The Pedestrian is one of those gems of a comic book you find, increasingly rare for someone who works covering the industry, so I was excited to finally catch up with co-creators Joey Esposito and Sean Von Gorman. It was my favorite new series of 2024 and Jimmy was kind enough to get me a signed copy when we visited Baltimore Comic Con last fall.
Nearly everyone I know was impacted by the passing of artistic legend David Lynch and the boys get into how Lynch inspired the project, delve into superhero mythologies, and the challenges and joys of developing a unique superhero who is nonverbal. We also get into some of the project's themes and share a few stories about growing up in small towns and how that experience laid the foundation for the characters to explore in their world.
From the publisher

Behold, The Pedestrian! A strange visitor speedwalks into Summer City and silently changes the lives of its residents. But not all is quiet in this sleepy, small town—an ancient conflict linked to the secret history of street signs is brewing! DON’T WALK... RUN! In The Pedestrian, justice always has the right of way!
The collected trade hits shelves on February 11th. Don't miss what is for me the standout unique comic book of 2024.
We have a new Patreon, CryptidCreatorCornerpod. If you like what we do, please consider supporting us. We got two simple tiers, $1 and $3. I’ll be uploading a story every Sunday about some of the crazy things I’ve gotten into over the years. The first one dropped last week about me relocating a drug lord’s sharks. Yes, it did happen, and the alligators didn’t even get in the way. Want to know more, you know what to do.
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