ICE Awards back again, check it to wreck it, let's begin...The Comic Book Yeti ICE or Indy Comics Excellence Awards are back for year three. We are celebrating some of the amazing comic book drops of the 2024 calendar year and as usual regular hosts Jimmy Gaspero and Byron O'Neal have invited two guest hosts from the industry to celebrate with them. This year that's comics writer Amy Chase and host of the popular Blake's Buzz show, Blake Morgan. They are breaking down 14 categories of content so buckle up and make sure to grab a piece of paper to follow along with our trivia contest to see how you match up.
Our commercial breaks are featuring some great shows and outlets in the comics journalism field so hit the links below to check them out. Thank you for a great year.
We have a new Patreon, CryptidCreatorCornerpod. If you like what we do, please consider supporting us. We got two simple tiers, $1 and $3. I’ll be uploading a story every Sunday about some of the crazy things I’ve gotten into over the years. The first one dropped last week about me relocating a drug lord’s sharks. Yes, it did happen, and the alligators didn’t even get in the way. Want to know more, you know what to do.
David Harper - SKTCHD
This year's ICE Award recipients
Excellence in Writing
Tate Brombal - Scott Hoffman - Miss Lucid - Gary Moloney - Chris Moses - Ram V - Stephanie Phillips - Simon Roy - Kelly Thompson
Excellence in Artistry/Illustration
Filipe Andrade - ByeLacey - Jonathan Marks Barravechia - Dave Chisholm - Tyler Crook - Bilquis Evely - Dennis Menheere - Tango
Excellence in Coloring
Brendan Albetski - Filipe Andrade - Jordie Bellaire - Matias Bergara - Ele Bruni - JP Jordan - Gustaffo Vargas - Jason Wordie
Exceptional Editor
Michele Abounader - Heather Antos - Will Dennis - James B. Emmett - Josh O'Neill - Allison O'Toole
Excellence in Lettering
Juni Ba - Reed Hinckley-Barnes - Buddy Beaudoin - Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou - Rus Wooton
Exceptional Anthology
The Devil's Cut - Killtopia Nano Jams - Let Her Be Evil - Pots and Panels - Transphoria - unSeen/unHeard - When I Was Young
Exceptional Series
Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees - Local Man - The Pedestrian - S.I.R. - Space Ghost - When the Blood has Dried - The Wrong Earth
Exceptional Original Graphic Novel
Ambitious Failures - Beneath the Trees - Deja Ross Speaks to Freaks - Full Tilt - The Jellyfish - Little Moons - The Mushroom Knight - Navigating With You - Youth Group
Exceptional Crowdfunding Project
Cthulhu Invades Fairy Tales - Destiny, NY vol 1-6 - Dracula - Extremity Artist Edition - Gods Among Men #1 - Nightmare in Wonderland #1 - The Unsleeping Eye - White Ash Annual
Exceptional Kids Comic or Graphic Novel
Between Snow and Wolf - Blood City Rollers - Goblin: The Wolf and The Well - Navigating with You - Silver Vessels - Undergrowth - Wires Crossed - Wolfpitch
Exceptional Webcomic
Blade Maidens - The Hunt - Keeping Time - Maru Kiru - Paranatural - Time and Time Again - Witch Creek Road
Exceptional Manga or non Western comic
Chainsaw Man - Gokurakuga - KHIEM: Our Journey Through the Motherlands - My Hero Academia - Noss and Zakuro
Gone But Not Forgotten
Sam "Shlepzig" Blanchard - John Cassaday - Ramona Fradon - Greg Hildebrandt - Karl Moline - Trina Robbins - Akira Toriyama - Ed Piskor
Our episode sponsors
Make sure to give a listen to our friends with Comics Over Time.
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